Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Heart Chick-fil-a

Unfortunately, my first trimester cravings and my 17 month old girl's verbal skills coincided. Her first words were Da-Da, Dog and Fries (oh the shame). All preggo mothers fully commiserate with me b/c they understand that innate drive to satisfy those dictatorial cravings of the first three months. Anyway, my love affair with Chick-fil-a has only grown as I have come to know her more deeply and intimately. I see all her thoughtful ways and treasure her all the more. Her little cups of cheerios for the kids. Her packets of hand wipes. Her educational and usually non-obnoxious toys (which can always be turned in for ice cream...or that's what I hear anyway...). Her chicken nuggets that resemble real chicken. Her waffle fries that contain just the right ratio of crunch and salt. Her workers WHO COME TO YOUR TABLE TO SEE IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!!! (Sorry for the all caps- mother of two young ones just getting a little carried away here).

Recently, my younger sister sent me a link that puts it all to song. So without further ado, I present "I'm in Love with Chick-fil-a"