Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Katy Rodeo

My two manly cowboys and...

one bedazzled cowgirl.

(She had to hold her arm like that most of the night so as not to loose her bracelet.)

One brief stop at Whataburger and we are at the rodeo.

Wyatt demonstrates his belief that if he waves his bag back and forth fries will magically appear.

Shelby has finally found something more interesting than the chocolate chip cookies in her hand...the rodeo flag girls

on horses

with giant flags

wearing sparkly pants

and ALL in tiaras.

Wyatt is equally fascinated by the bareback riders.

He ditched the hat when we quit telling him how cute he was in it.

Rodeo extras:

Whoops. Errr...take two.

Now Wyatt has no pants! What is with this family?

Shelby The Exhibitionist


This is not a sad picture of a little girl getting left behind on a tractor ride. When Daddy and Wyatt fired up the tractor, Shelby was still fast asleep. However, if you have any farm experience you might notice that "fire up the tractor" and "fast asleep" generally do not appear in the same sentence.

As I wave bye to my manly men, off to some testosterone-filled task like moving a pile of sticks or cutting grass, I catch a pale fuzzy blur whipping past the corner of my eye.**

Shelby, who had previously been fast asleep, heard the tractor and in a rush to wave the menfolk off still remembered to put on her boots.

Just not her pants.

I must note here that Shelby has learned a few lessons at four that will carry her through many a situation in life.

1. Hair volume is a woman's best weapon

2. Never underestimate the power of a confident hand on the hip

And, finally,

3. Put boots with it

Proof that I did indeed have her fully dressed and brushed at the beginning of our trip:

**That hair! I love it! I never know what new configuration she will walk down the stairs with, but I know this.

It's never the same.

And it is never boring.

Years from now when I reflect on Shelby as a little girl, the first image no matter what the setting will be those bouncing, blonde ringlets in some stage of disarray.

Wyatt's First Love

Their eyes met from across the dusty barn.

It was instant.

It was powerful.

Her knobby tires and sharp metal angles spoke to him deep inside.

I knew there would one day be another in his heart.

I just didn't expect is so soon.

"See ya Mom! Don't wait up!"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lunch with Daddy

Shelby did you have fun at lunch with Daddy?

YEAH! I love lunch. Do you like my outfit because I dressed myself? I got lip gloss at school and insist on carrying it everywhere and applying it every five minutes. Do you like my headband? Nini got it for me. I love getting free ice cream at lunch. I even got sprinkles. Visiting Daddy at the clinic is the best! My favorite are the cats but mom says no indoor cats for us while we own a cat-eating dog. Did I mention sprinkles in my ice cream? No way can I nap now. I am riding high on sugar and lip gloss

Wyatt did you have fun?

I take your silence as a "yes."

Budding Artist

Shelby is really starting to show signs of actually being able to draw. I mean she is rapidly coming close to passing me up as I am still in the stick figure with three fingers stage.

Well, back in my former life, I used to scrapbook so I have all these random markers and pens that I whipped out to make homemade cards.

I decided to let the kids doodle while I made sandwiches and puttered around the kitchen.

Soon enough, paper just wasn't doing it for Shelby anymore.

"This is the Mommy and two daughters." (perhaps her hopes for the 3rd child's gender?)

Poor Wyatt. Poor, poor Wyatt.

Would now be a bad time to mention that these markers were not washable?

Clap your hands if you believe...

Shelby spent her first wages from her first "job" (very loose term lest you think we are running a sweat shop) on Tinkerbell. The wings are now gone but not the attachment to the doll which goes to show you always treasure more what you have to earn. Ahem!(subtle political statement).

Father/Daughter "Camp Out"

Behold! What you see before you are three




Seth came up with the idea to plan a father/daughter camp out with some other dads at our church. I knew it would be a hit.

I just didn't know how much of a hit.

Apparently, our daughter managed to sustain a smile for a full 48 hours while ceasing the need to inhale as she chattered non-stop all weekend.

I'm pretty sure Avery and Beth had a good time as well.