Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2011 Halloween..err...Reformation Day?

So there was one point in our marriage, before we had kids, when we pondered if we would participate in dressing them up for Halloween. The holiday, if you look around, is super creepy. (Imagine you just came from another country and showed up in America on Halloween. Weird, right? What's with the skeletons in the trees and the tombstones?) Anyway, that discussion lasted up until our first born's first October 31st.

Then I thought, "How can I, as her loving mother, pass up this rare opportunity to dress her up in any humiliating costume I choose?"

Those years are limited, yes?

Therefore, I give you the costume that started it all...

Pink M&M!

"Thanks, Mom. I'm super comfortable. No. Really. Please, can I wear it everyday from now on?"

"Think of it as quality rehearsal dinner footage honey!"

Fast forward to 2011...

Shelby clearly guided this year's outfit selection.

She wanted to be...

wait for it...

sit down if you shock easy...

a princess.

Therefore, Wyatt was going to be a knight or a dragon. Since weather in Houston is a little unpredictable, he could very easily have passed out from a combination of a sugar high and heat stroke in a dragon costume. (Plus I got the knight costume on super sale three days before Halloween).

Henceforth I give thee...

My Lady Shelby

and Sir Wyatt!

As you can see Wyatt has already begun his pre-game sugar high. (It's important to start slow or the following sugar rush can be dangerous.)

May my bucket be like the loaves and the fishes...

Shelby clearly admiring her mother's mighty skills with the iron-on letters.

One more of the whole gang. I had to include the foam sword that Shelby was bopped and whacked with while we waited for dusk.

What they were thinking:
Shelby: I hope my beads are shiny and straight. These shoes are pinching my toes, but beauty is pain, right? Glad I found my matching tiara.


A trip to our favorite Mema in the whole world!!!


Where is Walker you ask?

"Boohoo! Mom doesn't love me enough to embarrass me too!"

Actually Walker went to bed or, at least, that was the plan. The constant doorbell meant I had to go upstairs and rock down a VERY stimulated baby. That kid's eyes were darting around the room like he was on some sort of sympathy sugar high.


I'm sorry did you not get enough pink M&M?

Completely understandable.