...and now we are tired.
First of all, let me state that my daughter requested this triathlon herself. As a matter of fact, I told her "no" until she could ride her bike without training wheels. Two weeks later, she is training wheel free and lining up for her open water swim.
In a lake.
That was brown.
By herself.
Yes, my six year old hopped in without any hesitation (once I told her there were no fish in it which was a lie hard to maintain once we got there and multiple people were fishing on the other bank...)
Headed to the water here. She was the last in line b/c she had no official time (translation: every other child in the event had already done this before and therefore had a time.)
Fearsome Competitor!
She's off!
I wonder if her curls caused any drag in the water...
Burnin' up some rubber!
(It was during the biking portion I observed two things: Shelby is getting a little big for her bike and there were some kid bikes out there that were NOT from Walmart or Academy if you know what I'm sayin')
I straight up was having to fight back tears as she crossed the finish line.
And now (drumroll please)...
Mommy's Triathlon!
Me and my training partner (whose crazy idea it was to run the tri in the first place and has given me serious cause to question our friendship during the month of August).
I feel the need to also mention that Genevieve is nursing her THIRD child who is 6 MONTHS OLD! I personally feel she deserves a special medal.
Nothing makes the other triathletes quiver in their shoes like a "selfie" before the race.
(BTW do you see the gal's hinney on the right photo bombing our pic?)
Let me give you the play by play from here on out along with the lessons I learned...
The Open Water Swim-
Before June, my major (and only) stroke was the "I don't want to get my hair wet" mom stroke. That means I've been freestyling for approximately 3 months at the time of the tri. I mention this so you may grasp that my less-than-fluid state in the water made me panic just a wee bit. Now might also be the time to mention, dear readers, to NEVER use the port-a-potties near the swim entrance.
Like ever.
Trust me on this one.
Anyway, I swam the 400m mostly breast stroke since every time I put my head down to freestyle I ended up off course. Apparently that line in the lap pool was more important than I realized.
The Bike:
I got about halfway through the 12m course when I may or may not have shifted wrong and caused my chain to fall off. Since my last bike was a banana seat, I have also been learning how to shift gears this summer as well. Apparently this is still a work in progress.
Fortunately, the bike crew patched me back up and sent me back on my way with a minor delay that didn't concern me in the slightest. At the end of the race, Seth was so upset for me that I had worked so hard only do have the chain come off and delay my time during the biking. To which I replied, "I'm a winner!"and trotted off to the car to pet my medal.
(This, of course, became the running joke for the next two days as Seth marveled at how different we were. But really, I birthed three kids, trained through the Texas summer, learned to swim, learned to ride a road bike, and finished the triathlon. I felt like a winner even w/o the trophy. If we start subtracting minutes for each child birthed, I bet I could have been top ten...just sayin')
The Run:
So after you swim and bike then you get to run a 5k! Yay! While I am no speedster, I was definitely most comfortable here as I couldn't drown or break equipment. However, I should mention that it was hot this Labor Day and the run started around ten o'clock. My original time goals for the run devolved into a) don't walk b) don't hog all the ice sponges at the mile intervals. Both of these new goals severely tested my willpower, but I prevailed so that the lovely picture could be taken below on the homestretch.
(The lemon yellow tri suit was cause for many an envious stare let me tell you.)
At home and feeling good!
Uh oh, lack of electrolytes are showing...Questionable decisions are being made
*in my mind at least.