Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hard Workin' Men..

...or why everything takes 10xs longer than it used to.

Seriously though, how cute it the daddy worship going on here?

When does that leave?

Junior high?

Until then, I'll just enjoy the unfiltered adoration of my son for his daddy.

Thoughts of Walker...

Uhhhhhhh-pparently when mom doesn't buckle me in my neck disappears.

I find it very concerning.

But as I ponder the brevity of life...

It's too short to sweat the small stuff!


how you wish they were...


actually the cousins were great fun! i wish, wish, wish they were closer by but it sure makes for a fun reunion when they all get together.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Picture Time!

So ignore all that copyright mumbo jumbo. I totally bought the overpriced photos with the fake apples so I have no guilt posting the pictures.

Behold! Wyatt's first school photo that does not resemble a mug shot!

Shelby developed a "new" camera smile for these pics. She's clearly having trouble generating the same level of enthusiasm as her brother holding the fake apple. I mean who likes Red Delicious anyway?? Much less a fake one.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Walker's Chit Chat

I'm 99% he just said "I love you."

Princess Slippers

If you want to see us at our best (and by best I mean worst) start hanging out at the local Target after naptime. There are some days when the kids wake up early and mommy watches the hand on the clock move backward.

That's when I decide it's time to get X, Y, or Z at Target (which of course also has A, B and C that you forgot about until you walk in the door). My children have been well-trained by our many trips.

They fully understand:

A. when I say we are just looking, we are just LOOKING at the princess/truck aisle (most of the time). They are surprisingly content with getting to push every button on every display and walking away empty handed.
B. If they are good Mommy will magnanimously split her pretzel M&Ms three ways.
C. One child must ride "like a monkey" on either side b/c the Target carts tip easier than, say, the HEB carts.
D. The Starbucks at the entrance holds the magic elixir to boost Mommy's mood for the rest of the evening. And don't ask for a sip b/c she won't give you any.

On our most recent evening trip, I was looking for a pair of flip-flops, yet we left with princess slippers instead. Normally, I would say "no" to what I would deem wasteful but these are actually her second pair. Her first pair had grown a little ratty, and her toes were curling in the ends; yet, every evening she shoves her feet into the decrepit pair of slippers and climbs into bed.

Scary future fact about Shelby: She loves clothes & shoes as much as she loves toys.

We are currently retooling the "camera" smile...

Major Upset

I love how Wyatt is totally unfazed by the screaming infant attempting to leap from his lap.

Girl Time!

Shelby liberally applied both lip gloss and body glitter for our big "girl time" outing.

I didn't have the heart to tell her her baby was not properly strapped in.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Da hood

Check it! Yo!
I likes my hood but not my socks
this pocket be a place to collect my rocks
I dig my new sweatshirt that be sayin' GAP
I'm goin' the the park and that's a rap

Yo, Sis. You be crampin' my style!


Shelby has become quite zee arteest.

However, I'm sure her work would not be received well in all the trendy art circles (think Elle Woods at Harvard).

A)She refuses to wear dull colors without sparkle of some kind

B)Her subjects appear entirely too happy to relate to our dark, twisted plight of humanity

C)Her subjects are not only happy but are usually royal with the occasional rainbow

D)She refuses to wear boring shoes

Behold her finest work to date.

I call it...


Makes you question many things in life, yes?

*Ten extra points if you can guess which silhouette belongs to which princess character.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Banana Muffins

A slightly tweaked version of
Giada's Banana Muffins

3 cups all-purpose flour (I used 100% white whole wheat)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
3 large eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
4 ripe bananas, peeled and coarsely mashed


Line 18 muffin cups with paper liners. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

Whisk the flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a medium bowl to blend. Beat the sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl to blend. Stir in the banana. Add the dry ingredients and stir just until blended.

Divide the batter among the prepared muffin cups. Bake the muffins on the middle rack until the tops are golden brown and a tester inserted into the center comes out with no crumbs attached, about 25 minutes. Transfer the muffins to a rack and cool slightly.

I make these and freeze the extra for late mornings. Yummy!

Kid approved!

Everything's bigger in Texas...

...except hair bows.

Baton Rouge, LA wins that prize.

I have yet to see a bow for sale this size in our town.

The cajun bow below is a runt compared to some of the monsters I've seen when visiting gator country.

Boys will be boys

I told Wyatt not to climb on his playhouse roof and expected him to (as usual) obey, but the lure of hammering on the roof proved to be too great for his little mind. Mid-muffin baking I my daughter casually wanders in.

"Where is Wyatt?"

"Oh...he's up on the roof."

I do not exaggerate when I say I turned to go outside, robe & all, to get him down when I hear the cry of TRUE PAIN. (Moms know the difference).

I'm happy to say that Wyatt is going to make it but he nearly bit through his lip and had to endure accidentally chewing on the swollen lip the next few days as his punishment.

His passion for roof climbing as seriously abated.


This is one of those pictures that years down the road, between slinging hash for my teenage boys and packing my eldest for college, I will accidentally glance at...

and freeze...

completely overcome by the roaring nostalgia for the sweet uncomplicated moments between siblings one lazy morning years ago.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Variations on a Theme

...or the "straining" face.

I am certain every child has one of these.

How else does a mom know to reach for her diaper bag when her child is across the room?

This morning while attempting to plan out the weekly meals and subsequent store list, I looked over and saw my sweet angel having quite a workout. You would think some sort of wrestling match was taking place with all the grunting and farting. Well, being the sensitive and doting mother I am I captured a picture of his "poop" face for posterity's sake.

Occasionally he will have a much more furrowed brow...

"Give it all you got buddy!"

(don't judge: there are limited forms of encouragement at this age)

A visit to memory lane...

What kind of mother would I be if I left out this little gem from the past?

"Go, Shelby, go!"