Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Shelby has become quite zee arteest.

However, I'm sure her work would not be received well in all the trendy art circles (think Elle Woods at Harvard).

A)She refuses to wear dull colors without sparkle of some kind

B)Her subjects appear entirely too happy to relate to our dark, twisted plight of humanity

C)Her subjects are not only happy but are usually royal with the occasional rainbow

D)She refuses to wear boring shoes

Behold her finest work to date.

I call it...


Makes you question many things in life, yes?

*Ten extra points if you can guess which silhouette belongs to which princess character.


  1. Hooded, solid pink is Aurora!!!
    Little MerWhale has the tail..
    Mulan or Jasmine, bottom left?
    CInderella top left?
    Belle top right?
    Bottom middle is... just lovely.

  2. Top left is Jafar... oh wait, not a princess.

  3. Mulan is NOT a princess Tracy! Sheesh! Get with the Disney game!
