Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Steel Cut Oats Day, Part Deaux-ish

Ok, here's the problem with creating a two part blog: I have to finish it. So I can move on quicker, I have decided to revise my normal writing style for a bullet format to finish the day and ill advised blog series.

-Steel Cut Oats disaster (see Part I)
-searched house for 20 minutes trying to find the new sheets for Shelby's bed (in Wyatt's closet)
-change tinkle sheets (Shelby's...not mine)
-commence what I will call "Battle of the Princess Stamps" (Nini so graciously gifted my toddler with princess stamps that she did not want to put away)
-get myself somewhat ready i.e. a step above homeless while Shelby lacquers up with lip gloss
-hop over piles of to-be-done laundry and load kids to begin errands (the fun can begin!)
-drop off the most obnoxiously large book at Goodwill (I mean who needs a 2.5' book of seek and find Elmo?)
-Target (focus, Shelley, focus! Get only what you NEED!) OOOOH! Young girl shirts on sale! Larger nipples for bottle: check. Wait in line to return 2 items: check. OOOOH! Princess panties for the potty trainer.
-Leaving Target with Shelby clutching new panties and fussy baby chewing on package but not before Shelby announces "I'VE GOT NEW PANTIES" to every person walking by.
-Return library books
-Get new library books
-shift baby to other arm in order to regain feeling in right arm (Wyatt exerts "0" effort to hold on)
-check books out
-"I'VE GOT NEW PANTIES" announced/yelled at checkout (hope there weren't any pervs in the Cinco Library kid's section)
-Load kids and marvel at Shelby's ability to hold 4 library books, 3 Target parking lot acorns, and 1 package of princess underwear all at once.
-Look down and realize my black coat has streaks of snot (thanks Wyatt)
-Undaunted, go to Bed, Bath and Beyond.
-Turn away for ONE SECOND and Wyatt is (OH THE HORROR!) sucking on the bar of the cart.
-Finish shopping
-Shelby informs male checker "I'VE GOT NEW PANTIES"
-He laughs and says he has three dogs
-Must drag my normally shy child out of store while attempting to tell male checker all about her own canine companions
-spray down children with disinfectant
-load children plus one additional acorn collected in parking lot
-make it home have lunch, put kids down for nap, and crash on couch before starting dinner

Yep, just another day in the Landry Household.

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