Friday, March 26, 2010

Winter Summary

The thermostat and my mood are slowly rising. Azaleas are blooming and the pollen floats freely in the air somehow magically attracted to my clean-at-one-point black car. I was uploading some new pictures of fun in the sun when I began to think back on these last few unusually cold months in H-town. Here are only a few highlights (as my blog only allows me to upload so many pictures at a time-for real-what is that?!)

It's a squirrel. It's a neighbor's cat. No, it's Wy-Wy! Question I will throw out to the universe: how can all forms of childrens' headgear be so cute?!?! Also, before you panic and think my son has abnormally large and misplaced thumbs, those are his sister's gloves therefore didn't fit his hands (or thumbs) properly. I kept holding out, knowing that the weather would warm up and gloves for baby would be unnecessary (oh Mother Nature you mock me).

Everyone knows that Christmas gets a little less exciting as you age. "Oh. Yeah. The sweater I helped pick out." Well, my suggestion: have some kids. That'll give 'ol Christmas morning a shot in the arm. Wyatt slept through part of it (next year buddy), but Shelby entered child euphoria somewhere between the giant white pony and kid's computer she has no idea how to use. Top it off with giant pancakes slathered in syrup and you have a three year old that asks when Christmas is in February. And March. And April.

I can't say I remember exactly what was going on here but it reminds me of a less creepy version of "Alien."

Shelby really likes cake. She also really likes presents. Therefore, she really, really likes birthday parties. Typically not given to spontaneous affection, she (as you can see) is fully embracing birthday girl Anna Easley. Having been born a day apart in the hospital from her mother and sharing matching Wonder Woman cakes for our own combined birthday decades ago, it was so special to see our progeny playing and eating cake together.

Ok. How stinkin' cute? BTW this is my younger sister holding my kids in case you did a double take. A belated Merry Christmas to all!

So, now that winter is firmly packed away, bring the heat baby!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Product Reviews

Having read these in many a blog, I have decided to venture out into this as yet uncharted blogging territory: the product review.

Why product reviews you ask?

Let's just say I am a somewhat enthusiastic person. Spastic and hyperactive may be used interchangeably here. When I really, really like something or really, really don't, I, instead of calmly proceeding with life, must tackle the next acquaintance, corner them for a set period of time, and unload my burden of excitement on their unsuspecting shoulders. I then calmly walk away after my effusive release, leaving my victim, I mean, friend to contemplate the wonders of the Bullet blender or my new slew of facts on women's health care in Africa.

So here you are victim, I mean friend:)

Guittard Dark Chocolate Chips

I know, chocolate right? How could this not be a good thing? Well, look closely at the bag: DARK CHOCOLATE a.k.a. a health food (moderation people). My comfort food every afternoon has now become a ripe banana dipped in this melted bliss of darkness. Believe me, I have sampled other chips, but none compare to these wee bites. I mistakenly grabbed Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips the other day, belch!!! Weird aftertaste! Maybe they will be fine in a cookie or something, but when you only have a two ingredient snack, both ingredients need to pull their weight and these chips have mega horsepower.

Everyday Italian

Do you love Italian food? I mean do you looooove it like I do? Then buy this book for your reference library. Giada has stripped down recipes to essentials making them very accessible to use everyday (hence the title) from any grocery store. I could eat her white bean dip every single day. Try mixing in some roasted garlic and fresh thyme with it. See? That's why her book rocks. You get the basic (which is good) and can easily add and change to your taste. Also, her turkey meatballs are deeeelish!

Lilash-eyelash extender

Let me preface this by saying, I was handed this bottle of what I believed to be overpriced snake oil. I very roughly followed the directions and...voila!!! It works! It really, really works! The bottle lasts about a year (assuming you only put it on a few times a week). I haven't replaced my bottle, but my eyelashes are longer than they were before I used Lilash. My hairdresser was the first to notice (oh Denise how I love thee) about 7-8 weeks into it.

Caution: it did make my eyelid sensitive so if you have sensitive skin already I would skip this all together).

Microplane Zester

I heart this piece of kitchen equipment. I want to grate everything with it: lemons, Parmesan, my feet...Ok too far. You get the point though. If you don't own one, hock up the fourteen bucks and treat yourself. You won't regret it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Little Slugger

Ok, the video is from my camera so it's not the greatest, but, hey, I gotta start somewhere right?

So cute right? Did you catch the last few seconds where he was looking at the dog and stuck his hand inadvertently on the ball? Replay and watch the legs go airborne.

Funny Things

Lately at my house...

Wyatt has learned to hold the phone to his ear and say "aaoo."
- Unfortunately, he is not highly selective and says "aaoo" to dirty sneakers, fairy wands, and, if nothing is present, his hand.

Shelby went to the Houston Rodeo.
-She rode a mini-roller coaster w/ no fear.
-She rode a pony w/ no fear.
-She pet every goat in the petting zoo (of which there were many) w/ no fear.
-She licked the black asphalt w/ no fear.
Yes. You heard that right. She dropped a piece of slushie and ever the frugal frannie she felt the need to go down to all fours and LICK the pavement while my back was turned. Heaven forbid any slushie go to waste despite the GALLON left in her cup. Positive side: it made the hysterically laughing man next to us have a better day.

Shelby LOVES to "help" me cook
-Her latest concoction: Romano cheese, peeled raw garlic, and cream of tartar (b/c I let her have one of my 3 jars). And yes, she ate some. And loved it.

Wyatt is a developing "ham"
-When all eyes are on him and all mouths are smiling, he pulls out all the stops which includes putting objects on his head. Whatever is in his hand will do: books, balls, pieces of toast covered in peanut butter...And I must admit, it is pretty funny. Shelby especially loves the last one.

Preschool Photo or Group Mug Shot?

You decide