It's a squirrel. It's a neighbor's cat. No, it's Wy-Wy! Question I will throw out to the universe: how can all forms of childrens' headgear be so cute?!?! Also, before you panic and think my son has abnormally large and misplaced thumbs, those are his sister's gloves therefore didn't fit his hands (or thumbs) properly. I kept holding out, knowing that the weather would warm up and gloves for baby would be unnecessary (oh Mother Nature you mock me).
Everyone knows that Christmas gets a little less exciting as you age. "Oh. Yeah. The sweater I helped pick out." Well, my suggestion: have some kids. That'll give 'ol Christmas morning a shot in the arm. Wyatt slept through part of it (next year buddy), but Shelby entered child euphoria somewhere between the giant white pony and kid's computer she has no idea how to use. Top it off with giant pancakes slathered in syrup and you have a three year old that asks when Christmas is in February. And March. And April.
I can't say I remember exactly what was going on here but it reminds me of a less creepy version of "Alien."
Shelby really likes cake. She also really likes presents. Therefore, she really, really likes birthday parties. Typically not given to spontaneous affection, she (as you can see) is fully embracing birthday girl Anna Easley. Having been born a day apart in the hospital from her mother and sharing matching Wonder Woman cakes for our own combined birthday decades ago, it was so special to see our progeny playing and eating cake together.
Ok. How stinkin' cute? BTW this is my younger sister holding my kids in case you did a double take. A belated Merry Christmas to all!
So, now that winter is firmly packed away, bring the heat baby!
she is beautiful. your younger sister, i mean.