Thursday, March 29, 2012

They refuse to stay put!

-is the youngest in her ballet class by a year but FAR and away the MOST focused. Girl is tuned in!
-seems to grow five inches when I tell her she's in charge. Probably not the healthiest thing for her.
-L-O-V-E-S yogurt. She will eat greek yogurt w/o any form of sweetener.
-could be the most responsible child I know. We tell her how many books she can read at night and then she turns out her night light on her own.
-has many potential career options ahead of her- accountant, veterinarian, benevolent dictator...
-does not like to sweat
-loves books and writing people cards
-I was told by her preschool teacher that she is the girliest girl she has ever had. I believe her. I have to de-accessorize her before we go out every morning.
-still loves all television ESPECIALLY all things princessy, girly, Barbie-y, etc.
-has the sweetest, curliest hair that she will no doubt fight to straighten from junior high on.

-currently drags handfuls of weaponry around with him. We have yet to go to Target without a gun, pistol or foam sword to protect us.
-can be the sweetest kid! He totally caves every time Shelby cries.
-has started to develop a little bit of a sassy mouth. I spanked him the other day and he looked me in the eye and said,"That didn't hurt." Oh really....
-is potty training. I have to remind him to go so I would not say he is totally trained. He is, of course, in denial that he needs to go every time I tell him to.
-L-O-V-E-S sticks. Seth talks him out of dragging all them home by saying Captain Hook needs them to make a fire. (favorite tv show is "Jake and the Neverland Pirates")
-can knock the stuffing out of a tee ball or golf ball much to daddy's delight.
-has the longest eye lashes!

-is the happiest kid. He trolls for eye contact in public and his whole body lights up when he gets a hit.
-is bored with being stationary but can't figure out why the "air swimming" is not getting him anywhere.
-is tough. I looked over the other day and Wyatt (who tries to play with him like a peer) was bouncing balls off his face trying to play catch. He gets dragged, dropped, squished, spun, and sat on with hardly a complaint. My job is to keep him alive and unmaimed until he can fend for himself.
-has earned many nicknames the most popular of which is "Gumbo" b/c he shows all his gums with each HUGE smile.

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