Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Rock*

*must be said in a Sean Connery accent or we are no longer friends

So Seth and I took a little trip down Hwy 1 this spring and started with San Francisco. To be honest the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of San Francisco was "Full House" followed by gay pride parades. I know this is a weird trajectory by such is the truth. Anyhooz, we spent our first day visiting what could be the coolest and oddest attraction of the visit. I mean, why do we find an old, crusty prison where the dregs of society eeked out their days so fascinating? I can't answer that for you, but the audio tour freakishly awesome!

Upon arrival...

Our hotel accomodations

So there is a lot of whining about torture, blah-blah, water boarding, blah. That's nothing! Put some of those terrorists out on Alcatraz to look out at the beauty of San Francisco spread out on a hillside on a clear, spring day knowing they'll never leave The Rock alive. Now that is cruel and unusual if you ask me.

Two little love birds headed off to jail

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