Monday, February 18, 2013

Bird Feeder

Can you count the dove? We've counted up to 25 beneath our feeder (not including the sketchy-looking pigeon or the random parrot). The kids are beyond excited and have learned all the exotic types of birds that live in our neck of the woods: dove, sparrow, blackbird, pigeon. (That last line was a teensy sarcastic in case you missed it). 
My kids are so thrilled by the birds and squirrels that I have decided the zoo is a complete waste of money at this current time. (Last time we went the two oldest were just as excited about the squirrel as they were about the rhino standing next to it.) That's it. Only trips to Petsmart after this.

So the feeder continued to be a hit all through summer and into fall until we began to notice that sparrows were the only ones showing up. (By showing up, I mean draining the entire feeder within a week.) Don't get me wrong! I love nature! I'm all for bringing it into our backyard.  However, as I walked around town observing the rangy sparrows duking it out in the Target parking lot over a lone popcorn kernel, I turned a more observant eye toward our own little sparrow habitat in our backyard. 
Do you know what I saw?


Yes! We had unknowingly been contributors to our nation's obesity epidemic.

Bye bye feeder until next spring. No more enablement from THIS household! 

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